Tuesday, May 4, 2010

from Jaxon and Ghett

Jaxon and I were playing hunting and Jaxon shot me and shot himself. He is a very bad aim. Mommy bandaged us up.
Me and Jaxon holding our favorite stuffed animal and lovey. we have had these since we were tiny babies.
I love Blanket, she is my bear. Jaxon loves Lovey his blanket.

Me, Jaxon and mommy slept outside on the deck on the futons. We saw a little bit of stars out last night and made wishes. We went to the water park yesterday. It is really big and has lots of places to play and fountains everywhere! Me, Ghett likes the deep pools best, and I went in the river too.

there were lots of people there and we had lots of fun!

First we hiked in the forest at a big park. We saw lakes and ponds, and a really big playground with a really cool slide that had rollers you came down on. Daddy did it too!

We went to the beach at Shin-maicho and my friends came too. Daichi came first, then Kelyan, Lisa, and Kaise and their families.
We had a big party on our deck with my friends too. Mommy teaches the other moms English.
I have a new Violin. I really like it and take good care of it.
We went to the amusement park and went on the ferris wheel and merry go round. Me, ghett liked the Seal ride best. Jaxon likes the scary rides.
We went to the circus and saw a ballerina, funny clowns, lions and tigers. And we saw the trapeze act and dancers too. It was fun!
Jaxon and I collected garbage at the park on Earth day!

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